Monday, December 17, 2012

The tamed..

“One only understands the things that one tames,” said the fox. “Men have
no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the
shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so
men have no friends any more. If you want a friend, tame me. . .”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

“The little prince went away, to look again at the roses.
"You're not at all like my rose," he said.
"As yet you are nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have tamed no one.
You're like my fox when I first knew him.
He was only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes.
But I have made a friend, and now he's unique in all the world."
And the roses were very much embarrassed.
"You're beautiful, but you're empty," he went on. "One could not die for you.
To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you
–the rose that belongs to me. But in herself alone she's more important
than all the hundreds of you other roses:
because it is she that I have watered;
because it is she that I have put under the glass globe;
because it is for her that I've killed the caterpillars
(except the two or three we saved to become butterflies);
because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled,
or boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing.
Because she is MY rose.” 
― Antoine de St. Exupery

"What kind of flower are you," he asked.

"One with thorns," she replied.

Alas. There were too many of them around.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thank you God for letting me get drenched in the rain... and other small miracles

First of all, let me start out by saying this week didn't really start out really well. .

I had a pretty good weekend all in all. Strange though. Got pulled over by cops on Saturday, which most of my pals would know is highly irregular because I usually don't drink at all. But that story in comedy channel soon.

Meanwhile, Sunday was a good gal's day out.

But Monday.. ooh. I woke up with my eyes so painful and swollen shut.

And it was not a pretty picture.

Yes, this was me straining to open my eyes and this was its max.
No instagram filter can prettify this pic.
Even my doc said, that looks pretty nasty.
2 days MC.

Yup. It was THAT bad.

But, swelling more or less went down after medication, Doc said it was probably some bad allergy, so by night, with better vision, I decided to do something productive with my time. I thought I'd bake.

I took out a glass dish - put it on the stove.. turned on the fire at low and... BAAAAAM!!!
I actually felt the explosion in my face.

The glass dish exploded EVERYWHERE.

In my shock, I only managed to grab a quick pic of the stove.
Everywhere. Glass. On the floor. I was standing in glass even.

It was all over my kitchen. From door to door. And not just in glass bits. There were little tiny splinters and shards on every surface. I even had tiny slivers of glass caught in between the keys of my blackberry (phone). And the strange thing is....

Not one.

Not a single shard was on me, or my hair, or even my clothes! Even though I was pretty sure I had felt it pelt against my face and rain down on me.

I was sort of still in shock so I only got one picture in before my dad came to chase me out and clear the glass. It freaked me out somewhat, that I could have been blinded yet again.

It all felt rather final destination to me.
But I regrouped, and managed to bake in the end... Molten Lava Choc cupcakes.. =)
And they're good.

All the good molten lava chocolatey goodness..... nomnomnom

I figure you'd need some pretty pics after the first shocker.

But, then.. there is today. So ...

This morning I woke up looking slightly less like a puffer fish. But I am on medication.. so, if I were still looking like I got battered with a baseball bat, that would definitely mean there is something to worry about.

My vision isn't the best yet, but, at least I could run an errand right? Went out, picked up my meds... zipped out.... tadah.... RAIN.

Yup. Grrrreat. Just grrreat.

But oh, a cab was about to come by- rushed to the pavement, but a couple was standing in front of me....

And.. no. They let it pass.

"Sorry are you guys catching a cab too?"

"No, we're just crossing the road."

*sara mentally a little peeved* Biang eh, don't want to catch a cab, the cab even slowed down but then you blocked me, then didn't take the cab. &*^@#%&

Never mind, there seemed to be more ahead.

About 15 minutes later, I was still standing there. Two people had already sneaked in front of me, and "cut the queue". What took the cake was 4 girls WITH umbrellas, who I had seen behind me earlier, cut out in front of me at the roadside and get into a cab.

Hello. I am here. Standing here. No umbrella. Getting drenched in the rain lor... (*&@#(#@%

I gave my best bitchy stare as they passed me in the comfort of their cab.

I was getting really, really pissed.

Then this old lady, pushing a bicycle attached to some form of cart walks by me. I made room for her to pass as I tried to hail another cab which mercifully, screeched to a stop, "Where you going Miss? Sorry, cannot la. I'm only going to Clementi."

I looked up the hill, and the auntie had only made a metre or two of progress. But she wasn't at the cart, which was along the road. It was already pretty dark. Raining. She wasn't exactly very visible to oncoming vehicles.

I ran up to her, "Auntie, do you need my help?"

"No, its ok.." she said, and she scurried on.

Miraculously, a cab swerved right in front of me, as a passenger alighted.

I was elated. YAY. Miracle!

"Sorry girl, I cannot. Rushing home," said the cabbie as he pulled away.
I looked at my phone, and just at that second, the dying battery, became DEAD battery. The bb flashed battery too low for radio use.


It was then I spotted the aunty struggling up the hill. The roads were kind of wet and slippery and I'm pretty sure pulling a cart which was filled with things was not making it any easier.

'Ok God, you know what. I'm just... going with my gut here. Not sure what I'm supposed to do. But ... here we go.' - I thought to myself as I primed myself for yet another, what-kind-of-weirdo-is-she type rejection.

"Aunty.. can I help you?"

"No, its ok, its ok..."

Well. Tough luck lil' lady. Cos as stubborn as you may be, you've met your match.

So, despite her protests, I just grabbed the other end of her bike, and helped her push the thing up the hill, and across the road.

I think, we must have looked a sight.

Sara in her hoochie shorts. A blazer, and leopard print Jim Thompson loafers and a leather clutch, pushing a karang guni cart with a skinny, frail looking Aunty who was sporting a plastic bag as her main fashion piece, making a mad dash across the road in the rain.

We made it.

"Do you live around here," asked the Aunty.

"Not really, do you?" I asked, hoping to get some infomation about this mysterious bag lady.

"Yes, I've lived around here for 10 years. I stay at Cantonment, what is your name?" she asked.

"I'm Sara. And you?"

"I'm May."

"Ah, nice to meet you May. So what do you do aunty? You.. collect these things, and sell them?" I asked, still, mildly surprised that she spoke so well. Usually around older folk, I half expect that I would need to switch to Mandarin, bust out my rusty Cantonese, rely on my meagre pasar Melayu, or resort to my ever animated hand gesturing with appropriately timed sounds.

"Well, yes. If people want to buy them. What do you do?"

"I'm a journalist,"

"With the Straits Times?"

"Yes aunty.. do you read it?"

"I used to. Now I don't so much anymore. I do read some of the columns some times. But now I hardly have the time, I go around all day... And at the end of the day when I go back home, I am so tired. Do you usually come around this area?"

"Sometimes.. You? Usually I only come around here for facials... Or to drop my friend home."

It was then I noticed, that despite her full head of white hair, this aunty had some awesome skin. And she proceeded to give me skincare tips. And tell me about her sister, whose husband used to be a journalist at the Straits Times many years ago.

I'm not sure how many cars passed by. Ignoring her presence as she tried to cross a road where they entered to get into the carpark of their swanky premium priced flats.

But, as we waited... we chatted.

"I try not to go too far away. I stay there, at the tallest block. Cantonment tower."

"Ah, ok.." I said as aunty and I pushed the cart under another shelter near the bus stop.

"Ok, I am going to look around here now," aunty said. Her way of telling me to scram I guess.

"Have you eaten aunty? Can I get you something hot to drink? Its so cold today."

"No no no, its ok. I ate before I came out today. I had something already."

"Ok. How can I contact you?" I asked.

"I stay there. Blk __. #xx-yy", she said.

"And your phone number?" I asked.

Aunty looked uncomfortable. And slightly suspicious. I forgot I do have weird squinty eyes that probably make me look like I have serial killer potential.

"I don't usually pick up my phone. By the time I get home its usually so tired and so late, I don't have strength to talk," she said.

"It's ok. Here is my namecard aunty. My handphone number is on it. You can call me any time you need help."

"Ok. Thank you."

"Call me any time aunty may, it was nice meeting you," I said as I shook her hand.

For some reason. My phone resurrected and this is when I tweeted this.
But, that was not the end yet.

She went to rummage around bins, and yet another empty cab, with light on etc, drove right by me as I tried to flag it.

"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME," I thought to myself. Well. Ok. I did voice it out too. Softly. I didn't want people thinking I was cray cray.

Then I noticed a 7-11.

For some reason, I just dashed in. Grabbed a hot chocolate, and two paus. One tau sar, and one lian yong.

Just as I was paying.. I saw May wave at me from outside the doors, bidding me goodbye.

"Wait!" I yelled, as I grabbed the goods and ran out.. "This is for you,"

"No, why you give me if you buy for yourself?" aunty asked as she kept trying to push the food back to me.

"I didn't," I said, as I stuffed the paus under a plastic sheet in the basket of her bicycle. "This is hot ok aunty, so be careful, " I said as I pressed the hot choc into her hands, and pretended I needed to rush off before she protested more, "I bought it for you! Bye aunty May!"

"Thank you," she said, as she beamed gratefully and I smiled back at her, happy that she finally accepted the food.

She wheeled off. Pushing her cart.

And what do you know. Less then one minute later, a cab pulls up right in front of me. And just as I get in, I saw aunty with her cart, safely on the other side of the road.


Everything happens for a reason.
And everything, happens in God's time.

In two days. I learnt what it was to be truly blind.
While physical blindness, is truly a scary thing.
Emotional and spiritual blindness... That, is true poverty.



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Where I am

So this might sound like an existential question. And it probably is as well.

But, let's not delve into the deep end right now. *grin*

Here, is where I will officially say: I am at STCommunities !

It's a brand new website that is really pretty cool. Its a portal dedicated to entertainment, but, its interactive and built on a social media platform model, so that ANYONE can post news or infomation, not just us journalists. So its actually highly interactive too!

You have a short film you want to share- here's the place you can do it!

Have a gig you want to promo, send us a video, shout your deets.

Are you thespian and have behind the scenes photos from a play you are working on? Yup!!! Here's your zone.

You can also post movie reviews, post music you like listening to by artists or DJ's others have yet to discover. ANYTHING!!! As long as its related to Movies, TV, Music or Shows (arts- which would include dance etc)

And its pretty easy too. No signing up or accounts needed.

Just... login with twitter or FB.. on the site.

For those who are blur... its on top of the contribution bar la dey..

Then you choose what type of post you would like to do- text, quote, photo, audio or video.

Here, I'm clicking on photo:

Now, if you haven't yet logged in because you might be a blur person like myself, you'll get another login prompt..

And then you're in..

You should then get a form like this...

Yup- you write your article INTO the portion that is called CAPTION.

And then, uploading pics, is pretty simple. Choose file/ browse.

(yes, you can caption all your photos. Feel free to be as funny and witty as you like. And give credit where its due!)

AND, you can add more pics to create a gallery too.

Just click submit post and VOILA!

You're done!!!

You'll get a notification email that your account is linked to your twitter or facebook thank you for your submission... and when it is published....

An email will be sent to you congratulating you on your article!

If you want to contribute a video... Here's how.

This is how it would look like when the post is done!

A quote post would look something like that..

And for you musicians or DJ's out there...

An audio post could be just your thing if you want to promo a new podcast/ mix you've done.

And.. this.. is how it would look when its published.

Pretty easy, no?

We also have a partner program that will be launching soon, where partners will have their photo/logo displayed on the main website in a partner box, where readers can click through to the website of your choice.

There are 3 different types of partners:

A community partner: A company or organisation

A personality partner: An artiste, singer, musician, artist, dancer, actor, director, celebrity, rapper- anything goes.

And a blogger partner: Preferably a blogger who blogs about Entertainment like movies/music etc.

Considering the ST website gets 60 to 80 million views in a month, and we tweet and facebook out cool new content to fans, its a good opportunity for you to blast out to a market outside of your existing fanpage/twitter profile.

You can also post movie reviews...
Like this blogger Eternality Tan, who reviews pretty regularly, and now I actually look forward to his posts.

Best part. ANYONE can do it.

But, if you are interested in becoming a partner, just let me know.
You can always contact me on my office email at

Meanwhile peeps..
Let social media rock on.

l1byjm on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

BOOOOYA! Peace out!

make animated gifs like this at MakeAGif

Thursday, October 18, 2012

An SG fashion fan's love song to the rain

The view from my window.. this morning

It's raining..
It's pouring...
We'd all rather be snoring..
But an SG fashionista jumps out of bed
Thinking, "Oh YAY! It's Fall/Winter!" instead..
And "What fab faux fur can I wear this morning?"

-Sara Ann K,  Thurs Oct 18th 2012

What a fabulous morning don't you think?
I know its one of those.. "Iwouldratherbeathomeinbed" weather days.
And, while it is awesome to snuggle up to ma' man  Mumble..
Having a real live man would be tons better.

So... Any way.
Rain in Singapore is awesome. It means that instead of having tootsie-freezing temperatures in air-conditioned offices, temperatures will drop to an even more arctic degree!
Ever the perfect excuse to trot out all fashion loving peep's fall winter gear that we have stashed away. Yes. I know you have that faux fur, or quilted jacket, that ordinarily would make your armpits cry if you even attempted to wear them out in Singapore humidity.

But when it rains...
What bliss...

The perfect soundtrack for today..

Today's fab faux fur outfit 

Glamorous office toilet shot right there...

Ice and Leather... on my right hand... heh.

Had to wear my snowglobe ring. So at least- There wld be some snow

was brought to you.. PRACTICALLY FREE!!!
Just cos I'm Chindigga like that...
*gangsta sign*

Courtesy of (well.. mostly my sister.. heh. Cos I "borrowed" quite a few things la... Not all mind you. And I did buy some of the stuff FOR her. Kindly refer to below.)

Faux fur+suede vest - Forever 21: Bought for my sis at $20 last year
White 3/4 sleeve top : random- my sisters
Skinny jeans: No brand bought from Chinatown at $15 like.. 10 years ago
Leather "riding" Boots: my sister's =P From Dolce Vita
Right hand:
Cheetah knuckleduster ring: A cheeeapie from Thailand
Cluster bracelets: borrowed from sis (bought from accessorise like... AGES ago)
Fendi Bag: I bought for my sister's 28th birthday

The perpetually on me accessories that I never take off on my left hand:

Snow globe ring: from the now defunct Curious Teepee
Yellow Topaz ring: from the now defunct Poh Kong Chye
Blue Sapphire "Blessings" bracelet: about $80 from Kevin Seah
BVLGARI coin bracelet: my sis's bday gift to me this year =D
Keyboard: courtesy of SPH Newscentre

Yup.. raining at work.
And I was trying to camwhore a cool shot when intern walked in
from the loo wondering whatdahell I was doing.
So Sara got paiseh. And stopped. heh.

Can I also just make a QUICK mention to how cute guys look when they are in army uniform?
*blissful sigh*


sara ann k

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


IF only....

IF I knew then...

IF you had...

IF we tried.....


Somehow.. The word "If" on its own, seems to suggest wistfulness. Regret. Longing for something that is past.

An interesting Christian commentary on the word "if" can be found

For a long time.. One of my fave poems was "If you forget me" by Pablo Neruda.

Even though it speaks of longing.. it speaks of a love that is conditional.

Well, now, 

if little by little you stop loving me 
I shall stop loving you little by little. 

If suddenly 
you forget me 
do not look for me, 
for I shall already have forgotten you. 

And yet, it is not conditional.. willingly. Because the writers true intentions, are to run freely with his love. To let go.

if each day, 
each hour, 
you feel that you are destined for me 
with implacable sweetness, 
if each day a flower 
climbs up to your lips to seek me, 
ah my love, ah my own, 
in me all that fire is repeated, 
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten, 
my love feeds on your love, beloved, 
and as long as you live it will be in your arms 
without leaving mine. 

My love feeds on you love beloved.
A love based on fear. Fear that the love will not see reciprocation.

Yesterday though, a dear friend and I were having a long conversation, and he reminded me of a poem that I haven't seen since I was 18.

A beautiful, beautiful didactic poem written by Rudyard Kipling.

In it, "IF", becomes something beautiful. Something powerful. Something filled with potential and promise.
Something, that come become truly mighty.

So thank you...

For sharing this "If" with me. 

Because you made me believe in the beauty of "If".


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sara gets botoxed...

yes yes...

You read right.

And I'm sure now you are dying to see it for yourself right?

Ok. First and foremost. Let me just say that yes, I have tried botox before.

HATED IT. I have these smile lines on my face that make me look like I have kitten whiskers. Or a pair of sunnies have made indentations on my cheek. I do not like 'em though people think they are cute.

But, one time, my doc said why not try a little bit of botox to help it.


It literally froze my face.

I lost my smile for like 2 weeks. And by that I don't mind I had to go hunting for it, I didn't misplace it somewhere, just that my facial muscles couldn't recall how to smile properly. And that for me....  is drastic.

I am the queen of smiling.

I once taught a male supermodel how to smile too.
But that story another day.

I actually even have the no-teeth smile. The half smile (4 to 6 teeth) and the full smile (6 to 8 teeth).
And its better to say "Monkeys" in photos. Not "Cheese"- which can sometimes result in a thinner oversmile.

Any way. After my first round of botox, and smiling like...

For 2 weeks.

I actually am serious. I did smile like that the whole time because my mouth and cheeks couldn't estimate where to start or stop. So I looked like a deranged lunatic the whole time. And from then on.. I swore. NEVER AGAIN.


Till this fateful day...

So.. whaddya think peeps?

Keen on trying?
Am actually wondering if I should try it again.

Either way, if this is something you are keen on trying, you might actually get better prices here than in Thailand.

Yes. I've checked.

Try Prive out and ask for either Dr. Karen Soh, or Dr. Miranda Walsh. They're both really nice. And try asking for the "Sara Ann K- friends and family discount".



I know. You sick people wished there was more blood and gore. Or the post would land up like a comedy channel one right?

Ha. Don't you worry at all.
More stories to come...


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Something special happened to me today...

Long story short.
Because as we know I can get a little longwinded.

Someone wanted to take a photo with me today.
(Well- at time of publishing- technically, it would be last night.)

I mean. Of course I am used to it. People come up to me everyday and ask for photos. And more often than not I have to shield my eyes with huge glasses and my face with a newspaper as I run across the street to buy food while being chased by paparazzi.

I know. It was nice to daydream for a short while.

Any way. Yeah. We do get requests for photos once in a while especially when we are out on shoot. Though honestly, I probably had THE MOST photo requests when I was the princess host for Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses.


Kids. Loved. Me.

Can you spot me in full Barbie glory?

When I do hang out with my other pals like... Nat Ho... Sheila Sim.. Rebecca Lim.. blah blah blah.. Well, I am pretty much accustomed to their fans asking me to take the camera and take a photo of them. To which I usually oblige rather happily.

The former me, might have been a lot more insecure and maybe jealous even. But not only do I like my friends, I think... I like myself. I am comfortable with who I am, and what I want to achieve, and I have reached that point in life where I can genuinely be happy for another friends success. In fact, we really do want each other to do well from the bottom of our hearts.

But the thing is today. It was after a long day at work.

It wasn't long because there was a lot of work to do. Just... A lot of.. frustration on my part.

And I went down to the auditorium in my office to check out the rehearsals for TNPNF 2012. And this girl Fai I think it was, literally bounced up to me after practice.

"Can I take a photo with you please.... You saved my life!!" she enthused.

I was a little perplexed because I think I would remember if I gave mouth to mouth resuscitation to any human being.

"Someone was asking me to host something. And then.. I was so horrible. So my producer actually asked me to watch your videos on RazorTV. And I've watched every single one of them. And its really helped! They say I'm better now. You saved my life! Can I take a photo with you please?"

So.. I took a photo with the girl.

And.. something inside me just lifted.

I think.. it was the sweetness of appreciation.

We all some times crave it.

But honestly.. I haven't been getting it in a long time.

It reminded me of that sweet feeling of surprise, when I hosted the Stomp Getai awards about a month ago, and an Uncle came onstage to gift me an "angpow" to show his appreciation.

She's young, but already a veteran.
Pro-getai singer and host, Peifen, is very used to getting gifts and tokens from
appreciative members of the getai audience.
Do you see that?
Yes. Getai singer Jin Lian was given a sash with $1000 cash stapled onto it.
I am in the wrong line. Evidently.

My angpow which the old Uncle gave.
It only had $10 inside. But it was the best $10 I have ever recieved.
Knowing that it probably came out of his CPF, or allowance from kids...
And the fact that it was my first time hosting Getai in a smattering of English and Mandarin,
while dealing with my getai-pro host who spoke in rapidfire Mandarin and dialect...

Feeling: Priceless.

Qixian- My co-host for the night. And myself.
I was dressed in local label xfemmex.
With a Celine cuff, and Givenchy shoes.
In the Toa Payoh Heartlands Amphitheatre outside the library.

Yup. I was so prepared for this shizz.

I was, so incredibly touched by the gesture, if you were onstage with me at the time. You would have seen tears in my eyes. I still have the ang pow in my wallet today.

And just earlier today, someone I respect, Oo Gin Lee, an incredible tech writer with The Straits Times Digital Life came up to me while I was buying coffee, saying "Oi! We missed you at the IT show this year la."

"Eh.... why miss me. Got booth babes.. and then so-and-so covered it what.." I replied.

"Yeah la.. But you are good la!"


Warm fuzzies.
Seriously. When you are recognised by people who are your revered peers as well. It feels good. To know they see it. Even when some times, the people you wish saw it, don't.

Sometimes its the little things that keep you going on.

Thank you for reminding me that I love what I do. And for telling me, that I am good at it. Because the people around me, have been telling me otherwise for a long time. No matter how strong you are, or how thick your skin is, some times, people can wear you down.

Thank you, for lifting me up.

And yes.

One day.

I still want my own talkshow.

And my own book. Scent lines. Lingerie. Children's book. Among other things.
Always nice to have goals to work towards, right?
Even nicer.
Having people who believe that you can achieve it.